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I live in the UK and use Grocery online websites ,one of them being Tesco .

Some months ago I had a problem where the quantities of items I had placed in my basket/cart kept changing by themselves ,sometimes to ridiculous amounts and when I changed the quantities back to what I wanted it just changed it to something else . I ran Spybot,Malwarebytes and also Trend Housecall to no avail. It did not happen with other grocery websites .

I contacted Tesco and they said they had never heard of this but they would look in to it and sometime later I went back to using Tesco without any problem .

Today I ordered some items from another Toolstore and a similar occurrence happened but when it seemed to be static at what I ordered ( £12:17 ) I opted to pay by Paypal and that went through .....however when I got the Paypal e-mail it said ,correctly ,I had paid £12:17 but the e-mail from the retailer showed I had paid £1:78 less at £10:39 and this was because between confirming the order and paying by Paypal it had reduced 6 items at £1:78 to 5 items .

I have again run Spybot and Malwarebytes and the latter only found Spyware.Zbot.ED

Has anyone heard of any Malware or Virus that acts in this way as it is a real PITA as I buy a lot online .

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Hello and welcome: :)

I have again run Spybot and Malwarebytes and the latter only found Spyware.Zbot.ED

There were a couple of very recent (today) FPs about this particular detection.

Can't say for sure if that's what you're seeing...

The experts will review your scan logs to sort that out -- first, though, be sure you have the latest database, as I think this FP has been fixed.

Has anyone heard of any Malware or Virus that acts in this way as it is a real PITA as I buy a lot online .

No, I haven't, but that certainly doesn't mean you haven't picked up something.

It might be best to run some scans & see what might be lurking.

We can't work on malware diagnostics and removal in this sub-section of the forum.

>>>So, for expert help, please follow the recommendations in this sticky topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.



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