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Malware bytes has blocked access to a potentally malicious website

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Hello, not sure whether this is the righ forum to post this. So apologies if it is not.

I have the Malewarebytes Pro version installed on my machine - 24Hr protection.

I got ths message whilst browsing - Malware bytes has blocked access to a potentally malicious website (IP address) outgoing.

I have closed the window immeditately and ran a full scan which found nothing.

Could you please advise on whether I should perform other checks to make sure there are no threats on my machine; for example to run other maleware removal software as you advise users to do in other forums in your website?

Thank youf oryou support.



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Hello Andrea and welcome to the MBAM Forums! :welcome:

Until some of our other forum members, Moderators, and Admins can arrive to offer their respective feedback, please take a look at the information provided by daledoc1 at the link shown below, which should be of help in understanding the outgoing block aspect of MBAM's protection features. Daledoc1 also provides some additional links to other help options as well:


* Also, could you please post back with information regarding what operating system & service pack you are using on your computer? (Thanks very much!)

HTH & Best regards! :)

Pete C. (aka Eagleeye)

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Hello and welcome, andreat: :)

In addition to Eagleeye's suggestions, please refer to this KB topic: What does it mean when I get an IP alert about blocking a 'malicious' site?

It explains the signficance of the IP blocks (especially if you are running Skype, P2P & similar software), & how to proceed with getting help checking your system, if you suspect that the IP blocks might indicate infection.



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