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trojan.agent needs taking care of!

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ok so over 2 years ago i was on a chat site and clicked a link some gave me (the link has now been changed to this ITS A DANGEROUS SITE)


and downloaded a thing called vidcodec.464783 which now on the new link is called vidcodec.51829.exe but when i downloaded it i thought nothing of it until a year later so i scanned my pc but came up with nothing and with no luck on finding out what this was the link and vidcodec had changed name so i downloaded it again to see if i could see if it would come up with anything which it did and came back on malwarebytes as Trojan.agent but i want to know if this trojan i downloaded vidcodec.464783 actually did anything to my computer because its still on my pc and cant find anything.

and thank you :)

Edited by AdvancedSetup
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Welcome. :)

We can't work on malware diagnostics and removal in this sub-section of the forum.

So, for expert help with cleaning your system, please follow the recommendations in this sticky topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.



PS For the safety of others viewing this topic, I'm going to ask the mods to remove the potentially dangerous link in your post.

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No, it's generally not a good idea.

Someone viewing the topic might click on it by mistake and become infected.

If you really feel the need to share the information, either place the URL in code tags (e.g.


, or "munge" it, so that it's not clickable (e.g. hxxp://wwwbadsite.com).

Thanks, :)


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