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Compatability & Memory

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MBAM just helped me recover an infected.lost machine... GREAT...

I'm sold...So I bought MBAM Pro and installed...

Win XP Pro...

TWO Questions:

1. Compatability: I am also running SuperAntiSpyware... are there any issues here...?

2. Memory... HOW do I make use of resident protection at less memory useage...?

according to task manager...

mbam.exe 123,376k

mbamservice.exe 122,692k

Thanks in advance...


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Welcome. :)

Glad you're happy with the product!


There ought not to be any issues with SAS; if you run into any issues, please post back and someone will help you.

(BTW, just as an FYI, MBAM is NOT an AV, nor is it a substitute for one; so, even with MBAM PRO, you still need a robust, realtime AV, either free or paid: Does Malwarebytes Anti-Malware replace antivirus software?)


We'll need to wait for staff to weigh in on that, but it looks about right.

If you're running an older box that's low on RAM, you might want to consider only running MBAM PRO in real time alongside your AV, and using the Free version of SAS for on-demand scans? <just a thought>

HTH, at least for starters,


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Thanks for the WELCOME and the INFORMATION...

I am running an older machine WIN XP Pro SP3...

As stated, I recently had a major infection - BSOD, etc...

I found a method of cleaning which included Malwarebytes...

For anyone needing a methodology here is the link: http://www.selectrealsecurity.com/malware-removal-guide

He also uses numerous other programs to help clean that I had not seen before...

Again... thanks.. I'll be running MBAM regularly... :)


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Thanks for the update. :)

FWIW, MBAM PRO's realtime protection, alongside your AV, might have prevented the infection in the first place (always preferable to prevent, rather than remove! ;) ).


There is a one-time fee (no annual renewal) and the license can be transferred to another machine, if you ever get a new computer.

It's a VERY good deal!


daledoc1 (no financial interest in the company, but proud owner of 3 consumer licenses)

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