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Isolated Storage: BlinkyApp/Chameleon/ObsidianApp


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Hello there.

I recently noticed on my laptop that when I went to the recently changed search there was loads of jpgs in there which I have not downloaded.

A folder has appeared:

C:\Users\HP\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Toolbar\IsolatedStorage\ObsidianApp as well as Chameleon and Obsidian App

and folders are appearing under that. (see screenshot attached)

The pictures are not 'porn' just images.... but taking up so much space.

I am going in daily to delete all of the folders but each day new ones appear.

Please can someone help me to stop these automatically downloading.

Thank you


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Hi, kristell: :)

A routine Google search turned up this: http://productforums...asa/-fEI0wUApd4 and this: http://www.podnutz.c...php?f=26&t=8155

In any event, it might be best to have an expert guide you through some scans to be sure you're not infected & to remove the offending program.

We can't work on malware diagnostics and removal in this sub-section of the forum.

So, for expert help woth scanning/cleaning your system, please follow the recommendations in this sticky topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.



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You can wait for a forum mod to move the topic, but it might be more efficient to just start a new topic in the malware section, especially if you're not sure how this program was installed on your computer (you may have picked up other unwanted programs/malware, too).

(The mods will then close this topic here.)

Before you do, please read and carefully follow the instructions in this sticky topic >>HERE<<, so that you can include the first set of requested scan logs with your post.

Once you get the all-clear from your helper over there, he/she may refer you back here, if there are any remaining, non-malware-related issues.



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