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My gif-viewer malware?


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I don't think my new gif-viewer is malware but better to ask, right? :-) I downloaded it via Seven Forums where a short video gives instructions about how to install. It is apparently a user made little program. Windows 7 won't show animated gifs. And I like gifs...

Link to download here: http://www.sevenforu...-perfectly.html

Please check for a possible false positive?

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Strange. I ram MBAM and deleted that one finding. Then I searched my PC for the prime suspect and latest install, - the animated gif-viewer. It was not there. I then reinstalled the gif-viewer and ran MBAM again. Same finding. I also googled [bffa91e588e31e18a4a25d7d11f2ff01] - no results.

I don't know what to make of it. You certainly have raised a question. :-)

My PC is clean now...


Edit made.

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The problem is that you installed that into root (C:\). Root is a folder for system files and folders, not personal software and files. Root is a common location for malware to install and as a result we do not let you get away with much there. If you wish to use root as a software install folder you will need to set detections there to ignore.

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