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How to Use a Windows Installer Disc to Back Up Your Files When Your Computer Won’t Boot


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How to Use a Windows Installer Disc to Back Up Your Files When Your Computer Won’t Boot


If Windows won’t boot, recovering your files can be a headache. You do n0t have to pull the hard drive or use a Linux live CD – you can use a Windows installer disc to quickly back up your files.

We have included steps for both Windows 8 and Windows 7 here – the process is basically the same on each. You can use a Windows 7 disc to back up files from a Windows 8 system or vice versa.

Boot From a Windows Installer Disc

First, insert a Windows installer disc (or a USB drive with the Windows installer on it) into your computer and restart your computer. If everything is working properly, you will see a “Press any key to boot from CD or DVD” message. Press a key to enter the installer. If you do not see this screen, you may need to change the boot settings in your computer’s BIOS. (More...)

Read the complete procedures for Win7/Win8 systems: http://www.howtogeek.com/135005/how-to-use-a-windows-installer-disc-to-back-up-your-files-when-your-computer-wont-boot/


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