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Update bag of tools

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Hello all, new to this forum. I clean viruses on a day to day basis but occasionally run across some that I am not able to resolve. Wanted to see if there are any tools that I may be lacking in my arsenal or any recommendations you guys have.

I usually use Malwarebytes, TDSSkiller, and as a last resort Combofix to clean computers. When trying to access an infected machine on the network, I use pstools to find the rogue process and kill it.

I've come across a few infections that cause website redirection and none of the tools above were able to fix. What are additional tools that I could try or that you may recommend?

Thank you!

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Hello and :welcome:

There are many tools that get used for the removal of viruses and malware. Many of these tools can damage a system if not used correctly. I think your best course of action is to seek training in the removal of malware. Below are some of the training schools available.

Training Schools

United => United Network of Instructors and Trained Eliminators

The following are websites who host training facilities. The mission of these facilities is to teach normal people how to become malware fighters (in random order).

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