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Windows 7 update just sits there 'installing updates' but nothing happens


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Hi everyone,

I am new to this forum and joined in hope to solve a problem with my Windows Update, I would very much appreciate it if you could help me out.

My Windows update will check and notify me for updates, however when I try to install any of them it will load for a few seconds the 'preparing to install bar' but it never gets past that. I tried to install updates one by one and no change. It's been a long time since I last updated it, near August, two months after I just bought my laptop.

I tried to use a Microsoft Fix but it couldn't detect anything wrong with the WU. The troubleshooting couldn't either. I thought it may be some IE9 setting concerning my connection but changing it and trying another network didn't solve it.

I really don't know what to do, please help!

OS - Windows 7 Ultimate x64

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don't know if you've solved this or not...

i was having the same problem...

Microsoft updates can be downloaded MANUALLY to your desktop...

then you can shut down any spyware you may have running and MANUALLY install the update...

checkout this link: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/973135

this just happened last week... so it may be the same update... i'm running win xp pro...

hope this helps


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Hello Liegn and welcome to MalwareBytes forum.

As I am sure you know, being out of date for more than 1 month with Windows Update puts your system at high risk.

In future, do not wait, but take action in a prompt way, right away.

What antivirus and security programs are running on this system? Sometimes your antivirus or firewall may be a factor & may be blocking things. Do you have a security suite like Norton/Symantec or Mcafee?

Close and exit any open work documents or program windows you opened.

1a. Open Internet Explorer (only!) to http://support.microsoft.com/kb/910336 [ignore the title & Symptoms].

1b. Dismiss/close the "automated troubleshooter" pop-up! - then...

1c. Ignoring any "Not recommended" or similar warnings, run Fix It 50202 in DEFAULT and then AGGRESSIVE modes. [1]

2. Reboot & then run a manual check for updates at Windows Update, etc., etc...

When you reach Windows Update, do a Custom scan for updates. Take (accept) the ones marked Critical or Important.

Decline any that are marked as "optional".

Have infinite patience while it scans and does it's work.

When it prompts you to Restart Windows, please do that. Allow it to restart.

IF and only if you get an "error" or "exception/failure" message, I will need the complete so called "failure code" and description (if you see it).

Please have good patience, this is not very complicated. Ask me if you have questions.


[1] Running the Fixit in aggressive mode will result in your history of installed MS updates to be "empty" when viewed online at Windows Updates.

What is actually installed on your system will not be affected.

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