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Google redirect after clicking on message board result?

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I do not know where to post this so I apologize if it is in the wrong sub-forum.

I just came across something that has never happened to me before. I Googled something and when I clicked on one of the results (a thread on a message board), the page loaded, but another tab opened from "url4short.info." I didn't see what the page said because I tried to exit the tab immediately. When I tried to exit, a smaller box popped up and asked me if I wanted to take a survey. I clicked "no," and immediately did a quick scan with MalwareBytes. It came back clean, but I'm still slightly worried and confused. What is url4short.info and why would it redirect me from a link to a message board? Is it a virus? No other redirects happened today; just the one on the message board.

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