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PUP.Installbrain inactive?


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Recently I upgraded to Malwarebytes Pro version and when I did a scan to check my computer, the scan picked up 2 files that hadn't been picked up before, PUP.installbrain folder and the file which is the repository. When I saw this, I removed it and when I saw it was still there, I began to grow worried. I have done some digging and some people say the virus isn't that severe and that it sends back information to the person it was sent by..The file has been sitting on my computer since mid november and nothing serious has happened, my computer isn't slow, no popups, etc. The icons load up as normal and haven't left my screen. I haven't noticed ANYTHING abnormal. I searched the registry and any areas where it has been sighted. I even checked places where it might not even be. The file is in quarantine so I assume that is why it hasn't done anything...I found the file but I'm not sure how to go about manually deleting it since I'm a novice to Windows virus removal and the Windows operating system. if anyone could help me or point me the right direction, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you.

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Hi, CrypticVigor: :)


PUP = Potentially Unwanted Program. This is a form of legal software that you may (or may not) have intentionally installed and that you want running on your system.

That's why MBAM identifies it, but does not automatically quarantine/remove it.

This recent post by forum Admin AdvancedSetup explains a bit more:


Having said that, complete removal may require the use of some specialized tools.

So, for for expert help with this, please follow the recommendations in this sticky topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.



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