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Which version to buy?

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There seems to be OEM versions and retail versions available. What's the difference between the two in terms of functionality. I have heard that some people say that for the OEM version, you cannot transfer license to a new computer if you decide to deactivate your old one. Is this true?

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Hello jumpman -

Do you refer to Windows Operating Systems, as this is more of a Computer Help topic rather than a General Malwarebytes Anti-Malware question ??

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware provides no such product, and each lifetime license is sold to one person for the use on one computer at any one time.

However this license can be transferred to a new computer, only if you choose to uninstall it and then reinstall it on another computer later.

Thank You -

Extra - OEM Licensing FAQ < From Microsoft only -

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O sorry. I meant mainly to ask about difference between OEM and the retail version as Newegg and other online retailers offer such. But you were saying that the only difference is support. That means that I can still transfer the license between computers provided I uninstall it from the old before I install in the new and that works for both the OEM version and retail?

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Hi -

I think the marketing department may have a word to Newegg over their listings ......

First they call it Type: Antivirus, which is not correct. It is an Antimalware program that still requires you to have Antivirus installed

Personally, unless they are asked to market as such, it is incorrect -

The software in the box shown is the same program as can be downloaded from many sources (free if you wish) but all that you are purchasing is a Back-up CD copy and the license to activate it into the Pro version.

What you are paying for is a slightly discounted version on the Full License, as that company purchases in bulk, so they can sell a bit cheaper.

The wording of OEM is just a bit misleading in the advertising that I was looking at -

ANY licensed version has full 100% backup from here (or via directions at Newegg) for any help that is ever needed -

Sorry but I type a bit slow at times :P and it is midnight in Australia :blink: Bit sleepy -

Thank You -

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The only thing you can do (if ordering over internet) is to confirm that it is the Licensed Version that you are purchasing.

The wording of those 2 items is not quite the same, but there is Only 1 Licensed version available -

I have been back over those 2 items, and it is worded slightly "not the same" in both advertisements, so please confirm first -

EXTRA - I have asked why they are "listed as not the same" and am waiting for a quick answer for you -

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Hi -

With the public holiday in USA and the Obama thing, I have not been able to get "Direct answers" from within the company and even from Newegg, who claim to operate 24 / 7 for all orders and enquiries -

I am still watching (and asking), so you will be the next to know after I find out -

Thank You -

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Though the info at the Newegg site is very confusing (and parts of it seem to be just incorrect -- "OEM", "Linux compatible"), it ***looks*** as if one item might be a license/key for software download and the other might be the boxed CD???

Perhaps that accounts for the price difference??

In any event, isn't it rather moot?

One really only needs to purchase the PRO license ID and key, as one would typically install the latest version of the software from a legitimate mirror site, rather than an (outdated) CD?

As long as it's a legit ID/key, the cheaper one should be fine, no?

<just asking> :)



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Hi all,

I apologize for the delay in getting back to you. I've had some sort of flu/norovirus crossbreed plague and am just back at work today. Not fun!

I do send Newegg issues in a lot and will definitely make sure all of this misleading information is fixed right away.

Thanks for bringing this up and let me know when you see it fixed.

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