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The end of strong password-only security..


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The end of strong password-only security

Posted on 18 January 2013.


More than 90% of user-generated passwords will be vulnerable to hacking in a matter of seconds, according to Deloitte's Canadian Technology, Media & Telecommunications (TMT) Predictions 2013 report.

"Passwords containing at least eight characters, one number, mixed-case letters and non-alphanumeric symbols were once believed to be robust. But these can be easily cracked with the emergence of advance hardware and software," said Duncan Stewart, Director of Research, Deloitte Canada and co-author of TMT Predictions 2013.

"A machine running readily available virtualization software and high-powered graphics processing units can crack any eight-character password in about five hours." (More...)

Rest of the article at: http://www.net-security.org/secworld.php?id=14258


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Hi Shy -

This is why I am now using several minimum 10 to 14 character mixed passwords -

I need to keep them on a few printed sheets so they don't get mixed up and are not stored on-line always.

Seven or eight characters are rarely used these days for this reason.

I needed 1 hour to find my basic Wifi password and found it was 14 characters plus a login of 8 characters after that.

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Hi Shy -

This is why I am now using several minimum 10 to 14 character mixed passwords -

I need to keep them on a few printed sheets so they don't get mixed up and are not stored on-line always.


Seven or eight characters are rarely used these days for this reason.

I needed 1 hour to find my basic Wifi password and found it was 14 characters plus a login of 8 characters after that.

You and me both John.. Just don't make a typo or you might wind up like these kind of users:




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