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I may have the 0 Day Java virus?

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Okay.. Um, I'll start off by saying that my responses to this thread will be slow because I do not have normal internet access on a daily basis. I

can at school, but to do so I have to use a VPN which doesn't always work; depending on the network load.

Anyway. I recently tried to update windows via Windows Update. Doesn't work.

I tried re-enabling the Windows Firewall service to check things out. Firewall won't stat and cannot change settings.

I tried to scan with MSE, but it only freezes and says the service is missing from the computer.

I have also attempted an offline and download Java Update, and every time I try to install (or uninstall previous versions) I get either an error.

I cannot do a system restore (catastrophic failures), and I also cannot run any "sfc" commands.

I did a quick and flash scan with Malwarebytes and it didn't reveal anything.

I first noticed signs of problems around Monday when my two brothers and I played Minecraft over my LAN network. (All three of us are on a laptop) They needed some mods to join my server, and my flash drives were at school where I left them the previous Friday on accident. When I tried to Share my public documents and C:\ Drive so they could copy my "mods" folder; i was told there were "no more Endpoints available from the endpoint mapper mapper", and any fixes I tried failed to remedy the issues.

Anyway; I will try my best to return and give any information requested as soon as I can.

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