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Interpol virus and jpg files


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My friends computer was infected with Interpol virus, instead of trying to remove it he took a backup of his documents (jpg doc xls) and formatted the drive and reinstalled windows. Now he cannot open any of the jpg doc or xls files at all. I got the jpg but I cd not open it on my computer either. There is no virus in the computer any more but none of the back up files can be opened. Can someone help?


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Hello and welcome:

It does sound as if you may still be infected.

The best bet would be to get help scanning the computer to be sure it really is clean.

We can't work on malware diagnostics and removal in this sub-section of the forum.

So, for expert help, please follow the recommendations in this sticky topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.

If there are issues remaining after that, your helper may refer you back here for additional assistance, if needed.



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