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Hey, I have a feed helper bar/babylon malware problem


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Sorry, very new to this forum and I don't know how to edit my posts. But this PC is pretty 'new' I would say. I mean I have a pretty high end rig, and I really like my PC. I don't want to tell my dad about this problem because he won't be very happy. I use AVG and advanced system care on my PC regularly (avg is constant). I don't really know how I got this 'infection' and I honestly don't even know if there are any more. Thanks in advance!

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Pardon the intrusion, but a member "Chris_Martin" made a spurious posting in this thread and it was removed...a warning was also sent. Hopefully, this will resolve issues like this during your help session(s) here with your expert assistant(s). Please carry on with the instructions offered by CatByte and ignore any others. Thanks!

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