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Today, after downloading the latest Java version, I went to


to test and see if Java is working correctly on my computer. Once on the site, a run box appeared so I immediately clicked run. One second later, MSE detected 2 malicious items and quarantined them. Is this a false positive?

Later, when I checked the MSE history I noticed something very strange, in the "detected item" area there was a malicious item called PWS:Win32/Fareit, I have no idea where this came from.

I ran a couple scans with MalwareBytes PRO shortly afterwards, and nothing was detected. Do you suppose I am still infected, and what about those Java items that were detected, are those false positives?



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  • Root Admin

You're cache is probably infected. I would highly recommend uninstalling ALL versions of Java and then check for updates in both your antivirus and Malwarebytes and do scan with both products to make sure neither one finds anything.

Then if you really have to have Java go get the latest build but if you can work without Java I'd recommend not installing it again.

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