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Submitted a support ticket but can't follow up - my email is then isn't on record!

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I am very unhappy with the support. On attempts to sign in under my email, it won't take my password. When I try to request my password, it says email not registered. So I try to register it. It says there is an account with my email. Signing in under facebook gives an error.

I can not follow up on my support ticket.

I STRONGLY regret paying for this program - never had issues with my pc and virus' on the FREE program...but soon after purchase, I am infected with a non-removable virus and can't get any assistance!

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Hello and :welcome:

First off let me apologize that your having issues both with an infection and contacting support. Can you provide that support ticket number so someone can look into it. Also we have dedicated experts that can assist you with cleaning up your system here on the forum. If you would like to have one help you please follow the instructions below....

Please see the following pinned topic which has information on how to get help with this: Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers

Thank you

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I'll see about following the assistance link (hoping they don't want me to download something else) I recall (and have) hijackthis as being the favoured reader. My support ticket is: #306070 Not sure how long I have been infected, as I always trusted Malwarebytes to clean things on reboot. Most I read on this trojan PUM.UserWLoad & Trojan.Ransom it is best to get another harddrive and install from scratch.

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