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Why does my Malwarebytes Desktop Icon Look Like this?

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I just updated today and the icon showed the new blue icon, but after I ran a full scan it changed to this "Photoshop" like Icon.. I don't even have Photoshop installed, I never have. If I go to the Change Icon settings, it shows the right icon but this is the one that appears on my desktop. I have tried deleting and remaking a new shortcut but still get this Icon. Does anyone know why?


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Hi, JustAlfo:

Until DHL returns...

Why icon cache corruption?

It's been a Windows things forever. ;)

Happens from time to time.

I assume you were able to resolve it by selecting the correct icon from the options?

If not, a link to a MS Fixit is here: Malwarebytes Anti-Malware icon has been replaced with a generic Windows file icon

This should fix it for you.

There are also a couple of solutions here (2 different methods -- one batch file, one manual method): How to Rebuild the Icon Cache in Windows 7 and Windows 8

Let us know if that resolves your issue,


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