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IP Blocked (Website Blocked)


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Good Afternoon,

I am contacting on behalf of a client whose server is listed by Malwarebytes.

Server IP: &

I am confident there is no malware, rootkits, viruses, or any other infections on this server.

I've attached an output from a rootkit hunter and from Maldetect.

Please remove this listing ASAP as it is causing loss of profit.




Rootkit checks...

Rootkits checked : 312

Possible rootkits: 0





498161/498161 files scanned: 0 hits 0 cleaned



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Hi, im the client conor's referring to. Hoping to get this fixed as soon as possible, as its somehow doing some damage to my business.

I also wanted to clear some things up:

- There are rumors that blocks are said to be shared by different AVs, meaning if Malwarebytes blocked my IP, it means my IP is also blocked by mcafee, avast, etc. is this true?

- Does blocks expire? Like for example when a malware or whatnot was detected from our IP, and then we were blocked because of it, but after the block lets pretend that we have removed the malicious file already, will the block expire? For how long?

Hoping to get answers..

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