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License Per PC

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  • Root Admin

1. What is the actual real usage of the VirtualBox ? Does anyone connect to it or use it remotely? Does it run and function more than a few hours a day?

2. Yes, the license for Consumer Home use only is currently a lifetime license. Any and all business, Government, Educational, etc.. use requires a yearly renewable license.

3. Yes you can transfer the license as long as the license is removed from the old computer.

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1. What is the actual real usage of the VirtualBox ? Does anyone connect to it or use it remotely? Does it run and function more than a few hours a day?

no remote use. run max 1 hour a day but Friday may be 4 hour.

2. Yes, the license for Consumer Home use only is currently a lifetime license. Any and all business, Government, Educational, etc.. use requires a yearly renewable license.

3. Yes you can transfer the license as long as the license is removed from the old computer.

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