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minimize mwb to the windows system tray ?

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Anyone know of a standalone tool or version of mwb that has a feature to minimize mwb to the windows system tray ? Tried searching the forum(s) and other areas, w/o success...tried using keywords, tag words or full, natural lang searches ( which the site flags if it has words w/ < 2 or 4 chars ) ? Greatly appreciate any responses. TY. HAND.

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If you're asking what I think you are...you see the little white arrow on the system tray? Click that and then Customize. You'll see a list of all your icons, including the one for MWB. You can select Show Icons and Notifications from the drop-down list. Then the icon will always be showing. I do that with AVG Antivirus so I can keep an eye on it :)

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TY. Yes, if you're saying ONLY the PRO version (or above), of MWB, shows (an icon) in the system tray, for minimizing mwb from the active window (or upon startup)...then, that's the answer we were looking for...looks like we may have to upgrade...sighh. Thx, to all, again.

Hello and :welcome:

Not sure what your asking, but the PRO version shows in the system tray. Are you using the PRO version or free version?

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  • 11 months later...

Not in any way saying you shouldn't get the PRO version, but I just had that problem and figured it out: Open mbam, and go to the Protection tab. There, check the "Enable filesystem protection" and "Enable malicious website blocking".  http://puu.sh/6ijTl/4731c21bdc.png


Now, if you close it, it should minimise to tray. For some reason, although it starts with my windows startup, closing and reopening mbam causes these to be unchecked. 

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