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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi BrainWarp,

I have to add my opinion here. I was given the full registered version of Evidence Eliminator a couple months ago. I have two computers both have Windows XP and both are Dell computers. On one of the computers I couldnt change the default settings of Evidence Eliminator no matter what I did I would get a error message and had to keep the default settings. On the other computer I could change the settings I thought that was kinda strange but stranger yet I installed Evidence Eliminator on a friends computer,her computer is a HP with Windows XP Media edition and couldnt change the default settings on that computer either.

Heres a couple screenshots of Evidence Eliminator and what it claims to do I like to use pictures so people know what Evidence Eliminator looks like if they dont already know.




So I figured Evidence Eliminator wasnt very stable so I downloaded a data recovery program a freeware version and I was able to recover data Evidence Eliminator supposedly got rid of. I had Evidence Eliminators Repetitions of destructions set to 7, 9 being the highest. I would of thought if Evidence Eliminator could do what they claim I shouldnt of been able to recover any data but that wasnt the case.

I'm not trying to bully anybody in to not using Evidence Eliminator I'm just letting people know Evidence Eliminators claims are misleading the program isnt all what they say it is. So I uninstalled Evidence Eliminator and I'm using Webroot Window Washer, Webroot is a much more trusted Company,another good one is Clean Disk Security by Kevin Solway a good freeware app is CCleaner. I dont think any program available to the public can do what Evidence Eliminator claims if their is let me know I would like to give it a try.

Heres a link to the Evidence Eliminator website if anybody is interested in reading alittle more about Evidence Eliminator.





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