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Mbam 1.7 update

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Don't know why a topic that is not resolved gets locked, but I have found a work a round for my issues of the tabs not working in the new version of Malwarebytes. If I click a tab and the hit the alt key, the tabs will work.

The below link is to that topic I started that is locked. I have ran the tools requested and sent in the files and am awaiting a response, but very doubtful if I follow through with any more of the suggestions as I am not totally comfortable sending in info to someone I have no clue who they are and I only get on that particular computer maybe once a week!


I DO appreciate the help and maybe the next Mbam update will fix this issue on this computer. Until then, good luck to all!! :)

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I am not totally comfortable sending in info to someone I have no clue who they are and I only get on that particular computer maybe once a week!

Hello cork1958,

AdvancedSetup, Ron Lewis=Administrator over Online support, him self, offered to help you resolve your issue

Okay I'll will go ahead and close the topic here on the forum and assist you with this via email on the Help Desk.

Please open a ticket on the Help Desk and ask for me and I will assist you with this further.

Please reference this topic in your request


Also note that on this computer you provided a log for is running a Registry cleaner which in many cases causes much more harm than any perceived good and by every security expert out there pretty much is considered Snake Oil and should not be used. I will attempt to help you fix this computer if possible though.

Thank you.

Ron has helped me on several occasions. Me I would accept his offer, but your choice


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I only said not totally comfortable and I did say I sent the files in, so I'm willing to accept the help, but sure would've seemed more logical to finish my original topic in case anyone else came along with this peculiar issue I'm having. At least that's how most forums I participate in seem to work.

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  • Root Admin

I closed and locked the topic because I am assisting you already on the help desk. I replied to you on Friday that it may not be until Monday that I get to you but in fact I did reply to you again on Saturday. You just replied today and I have replied to you again today from the Help Desk.

If you don't want to work via the Help Desk I can close the ticket there and you can post in the HJT forum - we do not allow malware and other similar scanner log postings in the normal forums like this one is why.

If it was an issue with the program then all 8 of your computers would have the same issue as well as millions of other customers. So whatever is going on is on that computer, not with the program.

Please let me know if you want me to close the Help Desk ticket or this one but we will not work in both locations as that is wasting our resources.

Thank you again

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