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I am also getting false backdoor.agent quarentines


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Installed fresh win8pro last week, installed Malwarebytes two days later. My system files are on C:\ and data on D:\. Today, Malwarebytes started quarantining files for the Intel desktop feature, (This computer was a new build with all Intel) When these files were quarantined, since they were monitoring the board's temps, etc. It caused the sytem to BSOD. Had to boot in safe mode, stop Malwarebytes, and restore to a point before the quarantine process started. I configured Malwarebytes to ignore the Intel directory. What a mess!! Running a scan now too see if it pops up

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I just started and updated Malwarebytes. I had put the Intel directory into the Ignore list. I will create a system restore point, and take the directory out of the ignore list. I will try with the Intel desktop not active and running for an hour, then turn on the Intel monitoring and see what happens. Will report back this afternoon. I have never used this forum, it's nice to know you are consistently debugging your program. I operate Coast Computing down here in Southern Florida. Last year I installed probably 60 licensed copies for customers. This is only the second time within the past three years your program trashed a box. If I would have known, I would have sent files for you to debug. I spent over an hour on that box and discovered there was an incompatibility with a specific toolbar add-on.

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