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False Positive on anbmServ.exe (Backdoor.Agent)


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Starting on 1/6 several of my Acer emanager files were flagged as Backdoor.Agent. I've had these files forever so I doubt they are infected. Scans still trip an alert for anbmServ.exe. Now the thing is stuck (or so it says in my quarantine) and whenever I can I get four warnings. Attached is my log from a scan log generated while running mbam.exe /developer.

MBAM-log-2013-01-07 (17-27-16).zip

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I've rebooted several times this evening and that's usually when it starts warning me about it and I haven't seen any messages tonight and nothing was triggered on a scan. The only problem left is these multiple entries in the quarantine for the same file. I tried a restore and restore all to no effect. I don't think the file is actually in the quarantine though. I just need a way to nuke those entries. I didn't hit delete or delete all because I wasn't sure if it would just get rid of the quarantine listing or the actual file in the directory.

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I've rebooted several times this evening and that's usually when it starts warning me about it and I haven't seen any messages tonight and nothing was triggered on a scan. The only problem left is these multiple entries in the quarantine for the same file. I tried a restore and restore all to no effect. I don't think the file is actually in the quarantine though. I just need a way to nuke those entries. I didn't hit delete or delete all because I wasn't sure if it would just get rid of the quarantine listing or the actual file in the directory.

Using Delete and Delete All only removes the quarantined objects, it doesn't remove the objects from their original location.
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