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What can a hacker do with your ip


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Hi!, i was on skype earlier today, and this hacker was able to get my ip using skype resolver.

1.I would like to know what a hacker can do if they have your public ip address?

Like can they hack your accounts, edit your registry, view your files, etc

2. i am currently using eset smart security, zonealarm firewall, and malwarebytes. I also have Windows firewall on,

Is that enough to protect me against the hacker?

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  • Root Admin

Hello and Welcome to Malwarebytes

With the IP alone they cannot do anything. It would take someone with an advanced skill set that knows what they're doing to even attempt anything. The average home user has nothing of enough value to warrant the time and effort to make a dedicated assault onto your system.

Keep an eye on your system and do regular antivirus and Malwarebytes scans and you should be just fine.

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