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Configuration/Installation through GPO

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Great product. We have started to use it in a corporate environment and we were wondering a few things:

1. What is the minimum level of security needed for continuued use? We install as admins, but do our users have to be power users, or can they be regular users?

2. Can we control the configuration (scan time, updating time, etc.) through GPO or the registry?

3. Can we configure it to do silent installs using GPO?

4. Can we configure it to do silent updates?

5. Is there any plans for a tool that can query the status of the software, or is there a way to remotely query the status to ensure it is still running if need be?


CMV Techs

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  • Root Admin

Hello CMV Techs

I don't work for Malwarebytes so I can not answer this 100% from their stand point, but I can tell you that the answer to all of it is Yes it can be done. I'm sure that Malwarebytes will be more than willing to assist you in getting it to work as you want it if it currently does not support the options you want.

Question #1 though may require a bit more analysis.

Approx how many desktop clients are there and is this an AD 2000,2003,or 2008 network? It can still be done on an NT4 Domain but hopefully you're not on that model.

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We have found that in order to perform updates, you must be an admin over the box. We do not allow this for any user, as no good system admin should. Is there any plan to correct this in a future revision?

Answers to our other questions as to how this can be done would be appreciated.

CMV Techs

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