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New version of mbam 1.7 ruins autoit compiled projects.


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Hi there i have been a fan of mbam for many years and i knew that time it became popular that i had to buy it!

Ever since i bought mbam years ago i have never got any problems with mbam but as the latest version with new blue logo it starts to ruin all my projects i have built in autoit and delete them ALL.

Some files that i have made and published to friends and people of interrest for years is now a threat for mbam.

2013/01/02 14:14:14 +0100 WAZER Administrator DETECTION D:\programmer\VoiceMix\VoiceMix.exe Trojan.Inject.AI QUARANTINE

2013/01/02 14:46:41 +0100 WAZER Administrator DETECTION C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\cspromod_aio_fix.exe Trojan.Inject.AI QUARANTINE

If files needed ill put them up.

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fixed in next update. thanks for reporting!

when you say fixed in next update does that only apply to those 2 files i just gave you? or is it in general now?. Because if i recompile the files with new fixes and changes ill have to report again?

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  • 2 months later...

Just a suggestion to avoid future detections is to have MBAM ignore the project directories. The problem with any security software is that they often flag custom built programs. It just happens so you can't really do much about it other then reporting it which may be ineffective if you regularly recompile and release new versions.

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I need the file please. Please zip and attach here.


I got 3 other issues now with malwarebytes..

First: It does not continue to save the quarantine files after reboot, twice i tested it and it failed to keep them in quarantine ?.

Second issue. When malwarebytes main menu window is open you cannot manuel right click on files and select scan. It will say mbam is already open ?, the scan window should not rely on if mbam main menu is open or not.

Third issue: Which is almost the same as the second, when mbam window is in the background and you double click mbam tray icon, it will say that mbam is already open, why not just make it become active instead of this annoying popup all the time. Check if window is open then make it active if not open window etc...


I have uploaded some of the files that keep continue to be a threat for mbam "randomly" , i cannot upload all files. there's simply to many but its the same threat it log for.

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  • 1 month later...
  • Staff

We have added a bunch of files to the fp server to prevent these with normal autoit files. This will go with the bunch.

Note: i just scanned with the latest db and i am not showing this detected. Can you update and recheck. Also Please include a dev scan log in the future as it helps us figure out whats going on.


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Im on the latest version/def...

2013/06/01 11:12:00 +0200 WAZER Dennis Bang MESSAGE Executing scheduled update: Realtime

2013/06/01 11:12:00 +0200 WAZER Dennis Bang MESSAGE Database already up-to-date

2013/06/01 11:16:10 +0200 WAZER Dennis Bang DETECTION C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\AutoIt3.exe Trojan.Inject.AI QUARANTINE

2013/06/01 11:17:00 +0200 WAZER Dennis Bang MESSAGE Executing scheduled update: Realtime

2013/06/01 11:17:00 +0200 WAZER Dennis Bang MESSAGE Database already up-to-date

2013/06/01 11:21:32 +0200 WAZER Dennis Bang DETECTION C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\AutoIt3.exe Trojan.Inject.AI QUARANTINE

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  • Staff

I still cannot duplicate this detection here.

Can you please follow the instructions here in this post and run a scan in developer mode. This will give me a code so i can try to track down what may be doing this. Also showing what version database this happens too is very helpful.


I think you attached the wrong files.

in the zip are au3info.exe and log shows

C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\AutoIt3.exe

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