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Flash Scan after update pop-up

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I have my program scheduled to update and to perform a flash scan after update, which is working fine- except it creates a popup to show the scan in progress. This interrupts other things I am doing by blocking the screen and covering the other application I am engaged with.

Is there a way to prevent the popup, and let the flash scan run in the "background", or do I need to disble this feature to prevent the interruption?


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Hi, WG:

Is that a "global" setting?

IOW, if selected, will it change *all* scheduled scans -- including the flash scans after updates, and all other scheduled scans -- to "silent"?

I believe it is just for the scan that you have scheduled, but sure if i'm wrong, one of the experts will correct this

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Yes, unfortunately the Flash scan after update option cannot be made silent at this time. We do have plans to completely revamp the scheduler (including regarding this) down the road, but that likely won't be for quite sometime.

In the meantime, what you can do is simply scheduler perhaps a daily Quick scan, disabling the option for the Flash scan after successful update, that way at least you're still scanning for threats on a regular basis as your database gets updated each day, then you can just review your scan logs to see if anything has been detected (or even set the scan to remove threats automatically if you wish).

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That's what I thought (I was pretty sure the "silent" option in the scheduler was only for scheduled scans, not flash scans after updates) -- thanks for the clarification, exile360. :)

Correct. This is because that particular 'Flash scan after update' option is to perform a quick check of the system for active threats using the newly downloaded database and to notify they user (by having the scanner open) if an infection has been found.

Since we currently have no other mechanism of notifying the user when a scan detects a threat other than the scanner itself, this is why the scanner is opened and the scan is not silent. Eventually we will change this so that such notifications can probably come through the tray or something like that, so that there will be no need for the scanner window to be open during a scan at all if not desired, but as I said, that's quite a ways down the road at the moment as our current architecture makes it pretty much impossible.

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