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MBAM and other AV programs

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I'm thinking to replace existing antivirus with MBAM pro, is this advisable?

Is there a list of programs that have known compatibility issue with MBAM?

Is it advisable to use MBAM pro (real time protection) alongside with some other AV program?

Is MBAM pro sufficient for protection or still needs a real antivirus?


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Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is not meant to be a replacement for antivirus software. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is a complementary but essential program which detects and removes zero-day malware and "Malware in the Wild". This includes malicious programs and files, such as viruses, worms, trojans, rootkits, dialers, spyware, and rogue applications that many antivirus programs do not detect or cannot fully remove. It is important to note that Malwarebytes Anti-Malware works well and should run alongside antivirus software without conflicts. In some rare instances, exclusions may need to be set for your specific antivirus product to achieve the best possible system performance.

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Would it make sense for ... MBAM to add AV capabilities?

Hi, Stevie D: :)

This question has been asked many times. :)

In addition to LDTate's reply above, here is another very recent reply from another forum mod, Exile360:

As for creating a full AV, it's definitely something we don't want to jump into lightly because time and time again we've seen that relying on any single vendor/team/group of researchers to catch 100% of all threats is simply unrealistic and that's why we believe in a layered approach to security (i.e. a good, active, up-to-date antivirus+antimalware). There are a lot of things that Malwarebytes is very good at, but there are still several things that we leave up to the big AV vendors.

That's not to say that we never would create a full 'suite' or AV of our own, but we definitely have no plans to at this time.




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Hi, andicro:

Until LDTate returns...

It is important to note that Malwarebytes Anti-Malware works well and should run alongside antivirus software without conflicts. In some rare instances, exclusions may need to be set for your specific antivirus product to achieve the best possible system performance.


Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 1.70...


1. ...

5. Better compatibility with many other security products in realtime http://forums.malwar...ndpost&p=627398 and http://forums.malwar...ndpost&p=627428

Do you have a particular AV or security suite product in mind that you're using or would like to use alongside MBAM PRO?



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