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Version v2012.12.29.11 will not activate the free trial...but....

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I am using version v2012.12.29.11 and windows XP pro version 2002 with service pack 3

SO for 10 days I have had Malwarebytes installed. and ever since then I have tried once and sopme toimes twice a day to activate the free trial offer. but each time I do a window appears with the words: "the trial is not available for your product version'

which I find odd. and don't uinderstand why? can some one explain please.

even odder is this, periodiclly in my tol bar in the lower right corner next to the clock, every now and then and especially oin boot ups, a smal window appears and reminds me of how many days are left for my use of the free trial version! ???? huh! ?????? use of something I can not acesss???

what gives? what is wrong?

I'm confused and in need of answers and help please.

And How can i actually get the free trial part, to actually work so I can utilize it's features? I need it's help and protection.!

PS: I have updated malwarebytes evryday practically and still no change.???


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Hi, flywelder:

Until an MBAM staffer arrives, I have a couple of questions:

1) Is this the same computer that was/is recently infected & for which you are seeking help at another forum? http://www.bleepingc...opic479574.html

If so, it would be highly advisable to stay with your helper there until you are given the "all clear".

Trying to switch AV and other security programs in the middle of malware cleaning can be confusing, unsuccessful and even damaging to your system.

So, your inquiry >>HERE<< might be best reserved until you have finished cleaning your computer. :)

2) Along these same lines, if you are trying to install and run MBAM on an infected computer, it can be tricky. Some malware can block MBAM from installing and/or running and/or updating. There are some special tools to get around that. But again, you really ought to allow your malware helper in your working topic at the other forum assist you with that. :)

3) FWIW, the MBAM PROGRAM version is actually (or just 1.70, for short) -- the program is only updated a couple of times a year, as it was a few days ago. :)

It is the DATABASE version that is notated as 2012.12.30.03, the current version. This is updated 10-12 times a day (sometimes more).

When you install MBAM for the 1st time, it will default to a free, 14-day trial of the PRO version during the setup wizard, unless one opts out.

After 14 days, the program will revert to the Free, on-demand version.

The PRO version can be configured to update automatically. The Free version -- which is just an on-demand scanner -- must be manually updated.

The bottom line is that it would be best at this time to finish cleaning your computer with your helper at the other forum.

He/she ought to be able to help you to run MBAM on the infected rig, if need be, as part of that cleaning process.

If you need help installing/configuring/running MBAM after that, we will be more than happy to assst you.



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Thanks daledoc1.

However I am refering to a totally different computer in which malwarebytes will not start up the free trial offer. The computer in wich the malware helper is helping me with, is completly down and will not boot up.

I am very reluctant to purchase malwarebytes, if the pro version will not start up now. I hate to think of the mess I would be in getting a refund if, after purchasing it, the full version will not activate.!

maybe the latest versiondoes not work with my windows XP? ...then where would I find an older version, and how do I get a older version downloaded?I hope you can see my point and my delema.

Thanks ;)

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Hi, flywelder:

Thanks for the clarification. :)

I'm not sure why you've not been able to activate the trial of MBAM on your 2nd computer - there are several possible explanations.

Please follow the instructions below and then post back here with the following logs attached to your next reply:

  • Checkresults.txt from mbam-check
  • A couple of protection logs, if you have them
  • DDS.txt from DDS
  • Attach.txt from DDS

These will provide the MBAM staff with a bit of information that will permit them to pinpoint the cause and the solution for you.




Step 1 -- Create an mbam-check log:

Download mbam-check.exe from HERE and save it to your desktop.

Double-click on mbam-check.exe to run it, it should then open a log file.

Please attach to your next reply the CheckResults.txt file which should now be located on your desktop.

Then, if you can, please also upload your 3 most recent Protection module logs:

In Windows XP, these logs are located in: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\Logs

In Windows Vista/7, these logs are located in: C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\Logs

Step 2 -- Run DDS and create 2 logs:

Download DDS from one of the locations below and save it to your Desktop:



Temporarily disable any script blocker if your Anti-Virus/Anti-Malware has it.

How To Temporarily Disable Your Anti-virus, Firewall And Anti-malware Programs

Once it is downloaded, you can disconnect from the Internet and disable your Ant-Virus temporarily if needed.

Then double click dds.scr or dds.com to run the tool, on Vista or Win 7 right click and select Run as administrator

Click the Run button if prompted with an Open File - Security Warning dialog box.

A black DOS console should open and run for a moment.

  • When done, DDS will open two (2) logs:

    1. DDS.txt
    2. Attach.txt

  • Save both reports to your desktop
  • Please attach both of the following logs to your next reply: DDS.txt and Attach.txt
    --->You can ignore the note about zipping the Attach.txt file in most cases.

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I'm sorry, but it doesn't look as if the logs files were attached.

DDS and mbam-check would have produced a series of 3 txt files.

You would save them to a convenient location, e.g. your desktop.

Then, with your next reply, use the "Attach Files" button at the lower left of the message window here at the forum.

1. Browse to the location of the first log on your computer (wherever you saved it), e.g. DDS.txt.

2. Select it with your mouse.

3. Click the "open" button in the lower right of the explorer window.

4. Click the "Attach This File" button back here at the forum.

Repeat this process for each of the requested logs (DDS.txt, attach.txt, and checkresults.txt).

-->>Skip the MBAM protection logs, as you are only running MBAM Free. :)

I've attached a couple of screen shots (Win7) that might help to explain it (the file I'm attaching is not the DDS.txt log, but it should illustrate the concept.)



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Ah!, thanks, I just figured out that I was using the wrong reply button, and found a reply button at the very top of my page when I scrolled up. Now I see the paper clip! I was worried I had been infected and the ability to attach files was being hidden ! Thanks! I'm, learning.





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Hi, flywelder:

OK, thanks for the logs. :)

An MBAM staffer will review your logs and advise you further.

Please wait for assistance.



PS Just FYI, MBAR is not the same as MBAM. MBAR is a specialized anti-rootkit tool -- while it's certainly not a bad idea to run it from time to time, just to be sure, it's not routinely needed. :)

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It looks as if you do have the current version of MBAM Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (MBAM) installed on your system.

There would be a desktop shortcut icon that looks like the attached image (this is the new icon for the new version -- the older one was red).

Can you click on that shortcut to open the program?

Alternatively, you can click the "start" button in the lower left corner of your display > all programs, do you see an entry for "Malwarebytes Anti-Malware"?

When you open the user interface, the "scanner" tab is the first one that opens by default.

When you choose "Quick Scan", it will run an MBAM Quick Scan -- see screen shot. :)

(MBAR is a separate tool.)

>>>Anyway, please wait for one of the staffers to review your logs.

They might suggest a clean reinstall of MBAM to get back to your free trial of MBAM PRO, or other interventions, based on the scan info.

In the interim, you might helpful the many articles and how-to videos over in the Help Desk section here: http://helpdesk.malw...tes.org/forums.

Thanks for your patience,


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AH!, After rereading your postings, 5 times i am figuring some things out more ....I am dense, and actually don't interpret things well..medical reasons as to why.

any how I will attached some scan logs for you, which i bet are what you are after! :)

Very good! :)

Yes, you can post an MBAM Quick Scan log, if you wish.

With the other logs you've already posted, the MBAM staff ought to have enough info to assist you further.

Thanks for your patience,


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Yes I have an icon on my desk top and also found if I click on the start button. Yes, I can run a quick scan.

I also have a screen shot saved ( using Microsoft paint) of the window warning that states the trail is not available for my version, if you think I should attach that to a post?Thanks for the link to the articles!

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  • Root Admin

Well the logs show that the protection module is loading at least at times. It also shows that you have Internet Explorer running in compatibility mode which you should undo.

Compatibility Flag Settings (Any MBAM file listings should be removed):


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\appCompatFlags\Layers

C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe

If you go to that location C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer and right click over it and check the properties make sure to undo any compatibility modes.

If you continue to have issue you may want to open a ticket in the Hijackthis forum to ensure that your computer is not infected.

If you need further assistance or links please let us know.

Thank you

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Thanks for the help!. I have followed your instructions, I think correctly. Please correct me if I have not.

Let me share now that I am not a computer expert, and I may ask a great many questions,. I appreciate detailed instructions also. :) Thank you.

I attached a screen shot of what I found when I used search and went to :

C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe

I did not find any check marks any where there!...like you said I would. This has me alarmed that there may be other issues at work?

What shall i do next?

And because it was all ready saved and ready to upload, I also attached a screen print image of the warning Malwarebytes is giving me about the full version issue.

i explorer screen print.bmp

Malwarebytes, not available warning.bmp

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  • Root Admin

That error message indicates that the Trial has already run on this computer before. If you're certain this is not the case then please open a ticket on the help desk and ask for me and we can take a look at what might be causing it.



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Hi Daledoc1, where would i post a question on whether a android tablet should have anti malware programs installed and which?

Hi, flywelder:

The short answer is: YES.

As to the product selection, that's really beyond the scope of this particular forum. :)

That topic would probably best be posted in General Chat, or even at another forum that more specifically deals with Android devices, perhaps >>HERE<<.

As for the PC in question here, please follow Advanced Setup's advice to open a ticket at the support desk >>HERE<<, so that he can assist you with getting MBAM working correctly.



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