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Please decide on what you want to call the program


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Somewhere it's called Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware, somewhere it's called Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (without the apostrophe).

For example:

Start Menu


Folder in Windows Explorer


Inside the program itself I can see no apostrophe anywhere.

Can you follow a consistent naming/branding scheme everywhere please? I know it is gramatically correct to add the apostrophe, but I think it just looks nicer and cleaner without it.

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Ok, but can't you have an apostrophe removal function added to the installer?

Unfortunately there are also reg key values that point to the paths with the apostrophe so while such a thing is possible, it would be pretty complex to do it right. We probably will do something like this at some point in the future, but we'd want to take our time on it so that we don't inadvertently end up breaking users' installations of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.
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Minor cosmetic changes like this are really not that big of a deal or should be on the priority list. It's really nothing to worry about as it doesn't negatively impact the performance or capabilities of the program. A security company such as Malwarebytes’ should be focusing on improving their detection and abilities to detect and remove malware not insignificant changes such as this. Most people I think could really care less of the punctuation in the folder structures.

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Look, I'm not saying do something at the cost of core functionality, but attention to detail does matter. For example, a program (not talking of MBAM here) might seemingly work well but obvious spelling mistakes in the UI will always make me uncomfortable about what other slipshod work or bugs the program contains. Anyway, this is not a priority request obviously. As exile said they might do this properly in the future, and that's fine by me.

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Look, I'm not saying do something at the cost of core functionality, but attention to detail does matter. For example, a program (not talking of MBAM here) might seemingly work well but obvious spelling mistakes in the UI will always make me uncomfortable about what other slipshod work or bugs the program contains. Anyway, this is not a priority request obviously. As exile said they might do this properly in the future, and that's fine by me.

Oh yes, I totally agree. In fact, when we decided to drop the apostrophe in the first place, that was one of the first things we considered. While having the path names no longer match the program name doesn't look too attractive, we also considered the fact that while some users may notice that, more would take issue with the fact that their installations of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware were broken if we didn't handle changing the paths in the correct manner so for now we've left it as it is.
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