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New Tools in MWB Pro

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Have been on vacation, and no pc access for a few weeks. Upon checking my MWB Pro "More Tools" I see Chameleon, StartupLite, and Anti-rootkit have been added since my last visit. I assume after checking a few threads, I need to download and save all 3. Is Anti-rootkit something I need to run occasionly as a precaution or on an as needed basis. Once downloaded, does Chameleon do its job as needed, or should I save it to a flash drive also. I assume StartupLite needs to be run when downloaded. If these answers are somewhere already answered, a link to such a place will be fine.

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Yes, excellent and informative link on Chameleon. The articles I read say that up to date versions of MWB, like my pro version, have Chameleon and Anti-rootkit "already built into the application." I assume that means that the download LINKS are what is built in, and I still have to do the download and save. Or does it mean that they are already in service and protecting my pc.

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