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Most unique viruses of 2012..


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Most unique viruses of 2012..

PandaLabs outlined its picks for the most unique viruses of the past year.

Rather than a ranking of the most widespread viruses, or those that have caused most infections, these viruses are ones that deserve mention for standing out from the more than 24 million new strains of malware that emerged.


Police virus: This strain of malware caused most headaches for users and IT departments alike. It purports to show a message from the police telling users that their computer has been blocked – which it has – because they have supposedly downloaded illegal material. To recover their systems, users are asked to pay a fine. The most recent versions even show images taken with the user's webcam, making the scam all the more realistic.

Flame: A close relative of Stuxnet, Flame is one of the most powerful cyber-war tools created so far, and infections have been focused primarily in the Middle East. (More...)

Read the complete article at: http://www.net-security.org/malware_news.php?id=2367


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