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Protection Question


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I've needed to change my antivirus and I've trialled many but I found many to be very heavy and slowed my computer down.

I have found Vipre to be the lightest so I'm thinking that I may use this one.

What my question is, will it protect me? I be using it with MBAM Pro and Comodo firewall (D+ disabled). Will this be enough because Vipre doesn't score very well on AV Test or AV Comparatives. I consider myself to be a safe user and I don't file share or use cracked programs and other potentially dangerous practises.

Just thought I'd ask as you're the experts!


In case you ask 'have you tried ####?' Here's the list of programs I've tried (in no particular order):

Bitdefender (AV/IS), Avast (all versions), Avira (all versions), Norton IS, GData (AV/IS), AVG, Kaspersky (AV/IS), TendMicro IS, Comodo IS

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Comodo and mbam is not enough good.I recommend to you my current setup Emsisoft Internet Security+Malwarebytes PRO+ WOT addon in your browswer to avoid at start malicious domains and you will be 99,9 percent protected

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Hello, hwedin:

This question has been asked many, many, many times here and at every other computer forum.

There is no 1 "best" answer for each computer and user, depending on hardware specs, OS, third-party software, computer usage habits, etc.

Please refer to this sticky topic: Free Antivirus Recommendations

Also, since you've tried so many products, there's a good chance that remnants, drivers and other leftover bits might be causing slowdowns and clashes.

I would suggest using each security vendor's removal tool to completely & cleanly remove all traces before installing yet another program. :)



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