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Download Chameleon, why?

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Have just installed MBAM v1.70.0.1100 (free version).

I notice that in the tab More Tools, if you click on Chameleon it gives you the option to download it.

When accessing MBAM in my Start Menu items, Chameleon is shown as a link (with a text page and question mark icon).

I assumed that Chameleon was already available in the free version.

Why the option to download it? Is it because there is a stand-alone version that doesn't rely on a web page link or does Chameleon now have to be updated separately from the main programme?

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Thanks for your reply.

I don't quite follow the logic of your explanation though.

If the installed version of MBAM already includes Chameleon, why have a downloadable link WITHIN MBAM in order to get Chameleon to install MBAM?

If the already installed Chameleon cannot stop running malware in order to update and run MBAM, what chance would you have of using the download link even if you could access it?

I can understand why you would want to install and run MBAM on an infected system but why the link when you already have MBAM installed?

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