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trying to run the Chameleon from the start menu

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The new 1.70 version installed & runs great. From the start menu, to mbam, Tools: Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Chameleon there are 12 of them. all run the same process. ie: Try to update mbam, Killing - Killing known malicious processes -- Trying to run mbam program, all 12 are the same? in the DOS box that pop's up it still says 1.62 on the active title bar... on the taskbar I have the "new look" blue icon Or should I just wait or skip the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Chameleon? TIA. Win XP (SP3)

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Hello Yardbird,

If Mbam will run, update and scan, really there is no point in using Chameleon. It is for when Mbam will not do any of the just stated(Blocked by malware, but already installed)

The installed Chameleon is not updated as much as the Downloadable version, which is for getting MBam installed, updated and scanning in a hostile situation(infected system)

NOTE: All of the 12 are not the same, I assure you, ;) If you navigate to program files through "My Computer" to get to Chameleon, you can see the extentions used, but NOTE: DO NOT use mbam-killer as that serves a different purpose


Chameleon One Year Later

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