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Will not scan since MS update/missing icon.


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I have gone o the HP website and have tried all the suggestions on partial and full reset. I had no prob before updates; albeit it was 3 months ago since I scanned anything; but it wouldn't even recignize the printer after the last (12/10) update. I uninstalled and then reinstalled the driver from the HP site but still nothing. Another thing I noticed was the icon was missing from my desktop after the update. What it does is print from the web, checked this by using the HP print check feature in their site and it prints from the pc. What it doesn't do is scan. Now when I start the printer and lift the hood to scan, nothing pop up on my desktop anymore. I worked on this for 6 hours last night and I became so frustrated I gave up. The last time I tried to scan I got a prompt box satating something close to: Scanner function disconnected - Java Virtual Machine could not load properly. Not sure if I missed a step because of being so frustrated. System is XP Home 2002 w/SP3 and the scanner is a HP PSC 750 All-in-One.

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Updated info: This is a list of what was downloaded and installed to attempt to fix. Hope this helps:

Printer Diagnostic.diacab

MSJAVA_x86_build_3805 (recent Java patch)

HPPSdr (HP scanner doctor)

HPPSC700SeriesDisconnectionFix, (patch)

a1403_05_enu_xp (printer driver),





jre-7u10-windows-x64 <------(last auto update)

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