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Good Morning, please forgive my lack of computer knowledge but I will try my best to explain my problem. I have 2 viruses that have invaded my computer and I can't get them removed using my Malwarebytes application. I have run full scans multiples time and I can get rid of the Trojan but the PUM.USERWlo stays on the system. I was following instructions by a moderator and another forum member with the same problem and was hoping I could get the same instruction. CAN ANYONE HELP!!!!!

Thank you!

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Hello and welcome, azharleygirl: :)

Sorry to hear that your computer might be infected.

PUM = Potentially Unwanted Modification -- this is a change to your system that ***might be*** the result of malware infection.

Each computer system is unique, so it's not recommended that one use "fixes" that have been prescribed by a malware expert for another user.

Doing so could actually damage your computer.

Instead, please follow the instructions in this sticky topic: Available Assistance



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