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IP Blocking of some IP

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Ok so the same IP address kept being blocked from pmd.exe every 2 seconds for the last 2 hours so I ran a quick scan and found 2 security hijack bugs. When I deleted them I still kept getting those IP blocks from the same address. I eventually ended pmd.exe and the blocking stopped. I did that whois IP check on it and it says its this person is from china, gave me the name and house address and all. Is this really a person? I also previously found a few bugs on my computer but deleted those fine.

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Hello, SaraL:

It looks as if you already have an open topic in the malware removal section (which is the correct spot for this sort of problem). :)

Is this the same computer?

If so, please stay with your other topic >>HERE<<, where your helper is waiting for your reply. :)

Maniac will work with you to clean your system.

If it's a different computer, please start a new topic for this other computer in the malware removal section >>HERE<<.



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