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I think I am infected, and after a scan and attmpt to remove threats, now I can't boot up! Help!

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Hi, I downloaded malwarebytes. I installed it and ran scans. Has been working, but for some reason would update something, a small window appeared and a green bar at the bottom would fill up and then the ewords, update was successfull. and the date in the update window was always correct with the day I was doing the updating. but malwarebytes would never allow me to activate the trial version, or purchase? ??

every time I attempted, a window appeared with the words, ' that option was not available for my particular version'.. I thought this to be weired!? I tried several times and the same happens.?...why is that?

So that brings us to today, when I ran a scan and after the scan I was advised to reboot to successully remove any threats. so i clicked on 'yes reboot.'

Now my computer will not boot up!.. I can't get to safe mode even! The computer will only go as far as to a page that offers all these boot options, like boot with network assisitance, safe mode, and boot to normal windows.. or something like that, and some other options. I have tried all the options several times and nothing will work! :o:wacko::(

I am using my wif's computer to type this.

I am using windows XP pro version with I think iether service pack 2 or three.. Im leaning more towards service pack 2.. but only about 92% sure. ..sorry.

obviously I can not get on line with that computer.

I can obviously get on line with my wife's and with hers, I can burn to CD... if that helps to know.

I have all this important documents and pictures of the grand kids on my computer!

I am just this week learning about back ups,.... know though that I don't have any back ups , and none to something called 'a cloud' ? I just read an article on your founder, Mr. Marcin, very informative article!

I so hope you can help me! When we recover this computer, i am doing something with back ups and I want to be able to buy malware bytes, so help me achieve these goals also please. Thank you.

I await your positive replies. 12-21-2012

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Hello flywelder and welcome to MalwareBytes.

As I'm sure you are too, Sorry that you do not have backup of your system. Just about now, mirror images on backup would be a lifesaver.

Do you have your Windows XP operating system CD (that should have come with the system when you bought it) ??

Just exactly what "message" is shown as you attempt to startup in Safe mode ?

How to start your Windows XP system in Safe mode ==> http://www.bleepingc...afe-mode/#winxo

If you can start in Safe Mode with Networking, that would allow internet connectivity on the pc and you can do this:

Download DDS and save it to your desktop from http://download.blee...om/sUBs/dds.com here

or http://download.blee...om/sUBs/dds.scr or


Disable any script blocker if your antivirus/antimalware has it.

Then double click dds.scr to run the tool.

DDS will run in a command prompt window and will take 3 to 4 minutes or so.

  • When done, DDS will open two (2) logs:
  • DDS.txt
  • Attach.txt
  • Save both reports to your desktop.

Please Copy & Paste contents of the following logs in your next reply:



If none of the above are do-able......then create a bootable CD on your other computer and use it to boot your system with it.

run the Microsoft Windows Defender Offline. This is an "offline" tool that you boot the pc with and scan your system for malware.

To get started, find a blank CD, DVD, or USB flash drive with at least 250 MB of free space and then download and run the tool—the tool will help you create the removable media.

The basic sequence of steps are

a) Download and SAVE the tool to a unique folder/location on your pc

b) Create the CD/DVD/USB-flash drive with tool

c) Set pc to boot from the offline media

d) Place media in & restart system

e) Run the tool. Have infinite patience & have it scan the entire system. Remove any malware that is found.

Download & info link http://windows.micro...efender-offline

The frequently asked questions for this tool


Another How-to article on WDO http://www.sevenforu...er-offline.html

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Hi, yes i am with you. just busy with the holidays, and scheduling time for my use on our last remaning functioning computer... LOL. I want to express, that I am very gratefule you folks are with me in this endevor!.....

So what has happened so far with me:

I downloaded and placed on a CD the Windows defender. I do hope I installed it correclty to the CD, tell me if Im wrong but all i do is Right click and choose to send it to the CD Rom correct?

So when the CD finished I placed it in the damaged Computer and booted the computer. I was not able to get any further than I have been before, and I do hear the CD Rom start to spin.

I was asked, the question of what exactly do I see when I attempt to start in safe mode?

I see that the hard drive is recognized as is the CDRom

I am then asked to choose to start in safe mode or safe mode with networking or start windows normally, or any of the following:

enable boot logging; enable VGA Mode; Debugging mode; Disable auto restart on system failure; Reboot; Return to OS Choices menu; Last known good configuration.

I have only attempted to start using: safe mode or safe mode with networking or start windows normally, and the result is the same, with the boot up stopping at this line that includes the following:

multidisc partion(1)Windowssystem32DriversMup.sys

Then with in seconds the computer returns to starting the boot up process where it looks for the hard drive and CDROM and stuff,

SO I am not able to boot up into any safe mode or windows normally... Will you explane in laymens terms, why ? ...I'm very worried.

What is our next steps?

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No, I believe you did not do the steps properly to create a bootable CD with the MS Windows Defender Offline !!!

Please go slow and careful. I also gave you links to 2 articles on how to do the procedure.

You must download from MS and save the EXE to your local hard-drive.

When that is completed

You run (start) the tool and follow all the prompts from that program.

It should prompt you thru to making a bootable-CD

After that is done

Set the problem system to boot first from CD

Insert the CD

Restart the system

It should boot-up automatically from the CD, and Windows Defender Offline should start.

If you cannot do this yourself, perhaps you have another person who could help you??

Otherwise, if all this is too much, you may want to consider taking your computer to a local reputable repair shop {but not a BigBox-store}.

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OK. That's fine. My 1st preference is for you to be able to actually run the Windows Defender Offline.

Beyond that, Here's something else you may do:

The MS Knowledge Base article noted below, may help in restoring a "prior XP System Restore point", in the case where you are unable to do this from a

Windows session. This article describes how to start the System Restore tool when you are unable to start your Windows XP-based computer normally or

in Safe mode.

You may be able to do it from a "special command prompt"..."Safe Mode with Command Prompt".

It would seem the requirements would be:

1. You had restore point(s) from before. (Which also means System Restore is active on your XP.)

2. You have to be able to "selectively" bootup your pc into "Safe mode with command prompt".

3. Follow the directions to use "rstrui.exe" the XP System Restore program.

SEE and follow directions in this MS article

HOW TO: Start the System Restore Tool from a Command Prompt (KB 304449)


If you are totally unable to login, it may be due to a corrupted registry set.


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