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Suspicious link from user?


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So I came across a link left in the signature of one of my forum users. I'm trying to figure out what he's attempting to link to and what it might contain.

The stat page for the shortened link he used is


. As you can see its linking to a sexybooter.net, which brings up a blank page with the following on it: post-121562-0-02564600-1355900746.png

It then redirects to google.com and leaves a cookie behind to automatically bring up google if you follow the link again. Unfortunately I can't track down any history or use of the site, though I'm probably just missing it. I did find something at


which isn't encouraging, but I don't know what to really gather from that.

I'm mainly just curious as to what it really is, if anything. I've run virus, malware, and spyware scans and found nothing. The only thing I can assume is that he might be collecting data to perform a DDoS in the future but I honestly have no clue. If anyone can provide any insight I'd be grateful!

Edited by AdvancedSetup
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