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False Positive - IPv4's


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I believe the following are false positives I don't really know if you blocked them on purpose or if it was something before but currently they are an OpenVPN tunnel.

I was connecting to a dynamic IP OpenVPN tunnel that I can switch around servers and I noticed that you had the Swedish server blocked, this is the first time I've ever had anything from this service blocked so I assume this may just be the IP's were used before or possibly someone on the service abused them.

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Sorry for the delay.

This isn't an F/P. There's been a total of 655 cases of malicious content housed on a variety of IPs across the /24, over the past 2 years at least (and there were more cases prior to that too), with no response to date, from the IPs owner (Portlane) (ASN that owns the range).

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