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I have a user on my small network unable to access ( hxxp://www.animeshippuuden.com/ ) due to blacklisting:

2012/12/17 22:42:58 -0500	computer	username   IP-BLOCK (Type: outgoing, Port: 2930, Process: firefox.exe)

Initial investigation yields a english-language japanese video streaming website with advertising, but nothing appears overtly malicious. For what reason was this address/domain blacklisted, and might it be reasonably safe to add to the local whitelist?

Thank you.

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Sorry for the delay.

The block is not an F/P (the entire /24 has had a steady stream of malicious content, including housing Blackhole exploit and other, payload and C&C servers). I'm still working with WorldStream on this.

However, there's no active cases on this particular IP, so you can add it to the ignore list if you need access to it.

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