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I use McAfee and a recent system scan found the trojan spy-agent.bw!mem and identified several files as being effected. Aside from scan detecting the trojan, other symptoms included explorer not launching after a restart.

I paid for McAfee online support and after many hours and two calls was told the trojan was removed. However, whenever I ran a scan these files were again tagged and I was still having problems with explorer launching on restart. The McAfee agent assured me the the trojan is gone and that was that. Btw, please fill out the customer satisfaction survey.

Yeah, right.

Well, I have to tell you I was sorely disappointed with McAfee's help. And, I have to wonder why Security Center didn't pick up the registry changes the trojan made in the first place. Afterall, this trojan is nearly 3 years old.

After browsing the internet for solutions I installed and ran Maleware Byte's app which found certain Registry Values were infected and successfully fixed it. Since that point both the Explorer launch issue and McAfee Virus Scan taggin the three non-existent files has been resolved.

Good help is just hard to find these days. Thank you folks. Great product!

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I just battled this trojan Vundo. First experience with Malware, and I felt like there was a ghost in my computer. After searching and frustration - Symantec's tool addressing this trojan found nothing, but they did have very well-written, step-by-step directions on related points [Turning System Restore off and on; Printing all your instructions before you start; Restarting the computer in Safe mode] which all proved helpful.

One other highly-recommended software fix failed to find anything (although I believe it helps in many cases). Malwarebytes Anti-Malware did work for me (thank Goodness!) But I ran it 2 or 3 times in safemode [25 infected files the first time; 5 the next. Then all-clear in normal mode, then 3 in normal mode [much to my chagrin]. So is it completely solved? Dunno yet. But I'm going to subscribe to the paid version after this experience. MANY MANY THANKS.

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I too have this trojan but MBAM won't run after I install it on the infected computer... any advice??? Thanks.

Hi Pharmdoc, you should search the forum as there are lots of posted notes on issues (sticky's at the top of each sub part)

also you should start a new thread on your issue in the correct part of the forum.


read the posted notes a the top, they guide you on where to next

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God bless you, authors of Anti-Malware, your free product helped to defeat Vundo and Antivirus 360 that infected the computer of my father, whereas Kaspersky Antivirus didn't do its job! All I had to do was to rename mbam.exe to a random name to prevent Vundo trojan of killing it.

Thank you!

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