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Why are there two copies of Notepad?


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  • Root Admin

I've known about this for years but since I was recently asked about it I thought I'd go ahead and share more information about it.

Why are there two copies of Notepad?

Engineering is about tradeoffs: How hard will you work to save 68KB of disk space?

What idiot would hard-code the path to Notepad?

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Ron (and Chris),

And don't forget the WORDPAD in Vista and Win7.. :P

WordPad in Windows 7 is a powerful tool for creating basic word processing documents.

WordPad is a basic word processor included in Vista. Learn how to use WordPad to create documents.

I've known about this for years but since I was recently asked about it I thought I'd go ahead and share more information about it.


What idiot would hard-code the path to Notepad?

I think I used to work with that guy.. <_<


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  • Root Admin

What I heard (so not an accurate resource) was that WordPad back in XP was actually a copy of MS Word 2.0 modified for use as WordPad. If you look at features it would seem to be feasible but again I have no real evidence to confirm that. I've used it once in a while in the past but typically only to save an RTF (Rich Text Format) document to maintain some copy/paste entry or image for review when on a system without the real MS Word or other tools. Aside from that since I have MS Office 2010 I have no real use for WordPad myself, but again it is a powerful tool if you don't have anything else. Then again there are a couple of great alternative office products now days too.

Thanks Steve

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"I think I used to work with that guy.."

he must have really got around ... i think worked with him too .

maybe it was a relative ?

along the lines of alternatives to msoffice (open and libre office) , mswordpad and notepad .

i have tried to use a couple of programs that are supposed to take the place of "notepad" (on a 'nix machine) , for quick and dirty storage of *whatever* .

i have not found one that is as easy to use as notepad or wordpad .

one of the programs i tried was "tomboy notes" ... uuuggghhh .

i usually wind up creating a text document in OO or LO and stashing it .

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Hey Larry (and Ron),

Yep; (hard-coded Notepad) think we all have at least one of those in the family tree. :D:lol:

While I have MSOffice, OO and LibreOffice installed on my machine, I paid for a copy of NoteTab Pro way back in my XP days and still use it; mostly as a "pasteboard" in that EVERYTHING I copy automatically gets pasted in a auto-save, NoteTab file.. Like all my other programs, I never use 99% of the features, and find that I even prefer simple old NotePad (for the type of work I do) over WordPad for the majority of editing/generation not covered by the WYSIWYG editor in the Forums here.

My motto is simple man (me), simple software.. Unless one uses the majority of the full-featured programs on a regular basis, the learning curve is too steep for the simple things I need done. :wacko:


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