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Running the paid version only, with no antivirus? I've been in this business for 10 yrs now and viruses are pretty scare anymore. I have been selling/support a particular AV product for this time period and am giving up on them. I seem to have more issues with the product and their support than ever.

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NEVER run without an antivirus (MBAM is a compliment to it, not a replacement).

My personal AV recommendations are;

1. ClamWin (clamwin.com - open source, no realtime scanner)

2. Kaspersky (kaspersky.com - commercial)

3. NOD32 (eset.com - commercial)

See the following for additional details and recommendations (specifically, the section entitled "Infection prevention and cures");

HOSTS files, IP blacklists, toolbars - is it enough?


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