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Massive amount of ip-blocks from skype with 1 ip.

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2012/12/09 15:21:02 -0500 CHRIS-PC chris IP-BLOCK (Type: outgoing, Port: 40022, Process: skype.exe)

2012/12/09 15:21:03 -0500 CHRIS-PC chris IP-BLOCK (Type: outgoing, Port: 40022, Process: skype.exe)

That continues on about 157 times with the same IP address as is stated there. Do I have a virus or what is happening?

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Hello and welcome to MBAM forum, VoidWhisperer: :)

Yes, if you are running Skype you can expect to see IP blocks from MBAM.

This KB topic explains why and how to safely deal with it:

Why does Malwarebytes Anti-Malware block Skype?

Having said that, continuous IP blocks that occur with no browsers open, and with Skype not running could be a sign of infection.

If the above article doesn't resolve your issue, or if the blocks persist even with Skype disabled/turned off, then please post back for further advice.



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If you still get many IP blocks (especially outgoing) even with Skype disabled, then it COULD be a sign of infection.

As for precisely what you are seeing WITH Skype (the frequency of the blocks, etc), we'll need to wait for someone more expert or someone who also uses Skype, as I can't say for sure.

If you prefer not to wait for more advice here in this topic, and are concerned that you might be infected, then please start by following the steps in >>THIS STICKY TOPIC<< and then starting a new post in the malware removal section >>HERE<<.

A qualified malware expert will guide you through checking and cleaning your system, as we don't work on malware-related issues in this particular forum area.



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