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Take The Leap MBytes :)


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Listen for a long time now you guys and gals at Malwarebytes have realy done a bang up job.

But were getting bits and pieces, Malware detector, now Rootkit tool.

I hope, and I am sure many in the community would agree that maybe its time, time to put out an AV program, it makes sence and with the quality products you have now, you could go toe to toe with any on the market and I mean that.

I have used Mbytes Antimalware from the start and it is so solid now that I trust and rely on it now, more than my Kaspersky.

You guys have an ever growing user and fan base and your rep is solid.

I would be one of the first in line if you guys would only take that leap, and in a sink or swim situation, you know as well as many of us that you would swim your ass off.

Seriously MB I would love to see a major AV program from you and would pay your asking price without hesitation based on your reputation alone.

Think about it will ya ?



Proud MB user!

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Greetings :)

Thanks for the kind words, they are appreciated. As for creating a full AV, it's definitely something we don't want to jump into lightly because time and time again we've seen that relying on any single vendor/team/group of researchers to catch 100% of all threats is simply unrealistic and that's why we believe in a layered approach to security (i.e. a good, active, up-to-date antivirus+antimalware). There are a lot of things that Malwarebytes is very good at, but there are still several things that we leave up to the big AV vendors.

That's not to say that we never would create a full 'suite' or AV of our own, but we definitely have no plans to at this time.

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